CoronaGYM.... To work out or not to work out (at the gym) -that is the question. / by steven salerno


Appearing today in the online version of The Wall Street Journal is my illustration I created for the Life & Arts section story on going to the gym during this time of the coronavirus contamination. (It was assigned by the Life & Arts art director, Lisa DiLillo to accompany the story written by Jen Murphy, “The Stress -and Stress Relief- of the Gym During Coronavirus”) Posted ABOVE is how the illustration appeared in the online version of the newspaper, slightly cropping the illustration top and bottom.


BELOW is the larger vertical format of the illustration, which is for the printed edition version of the newspaper.


This illustration was created all digitally in Photoshop, drawn on a Wacom tablet… just simple line drawings of the characters at the gym, with a few colors in the palette. Time frame? One day to create the sketch and get it approved by the WSJ art director and editors, then a couple days to complete the final illustration. Hours? About 3 hours devoted for the preliminary sketch, and about 8 or 9 hours to complete the horizontal version of the illustration and another few hours to create the spin-off vertical format version of it.

Visit to view my illustration work for advertising, magazines, and my many picture books for kids!